Thursday, October 8, 2009


I wish that I believed in conspiracy theories. At least I would have the reassurance that someone was in charge, that there was a master plan. Alas, there is only average people trying to muddle through.

We have a new group of OJT's working their way through the system. This is not a bad thing. The bad thing is that when you replace an experienced officer with someone who has never even seen Adseg you pretty much ruin my day.

Yesterday they gave me an OJT. One would expect that they would schedule the new guy to work with the regular crew a few times before they throw him to the lions. Not in this place. The first hour is our busiest. We have to count and do med-pass between 3:30 and 4:30 count. With two experienced officers we usually get it done with a couple of minutes to spare. With a guy who has never counted a house or cuffed an inmate, it ain't gonna happen.

Throw in a nut job who refuses to take his meds and you have a cluster fuck. So, I have to teach the OJT how we count and then, while trying to hurry, also teach him how to cuff through the food ports. Hurrying in Adseg is a prescription for disaster.

When we hurry we forget things. When we are trying to explain things or have a guy asking questions we forget the little things, like cuffing the second guy in the cell before we pop the door. When we hurry we miss seeing things. Trying to keep an eye on two offenders, a nurse and an OJT requires more eyes than I have.

Sometimes, things go wrong in a heartbeat. Every time I open a door to give medication I ask myself, if this guy goes stupid, what do I do first? Push the nurse out of the way, slam the guy, block the guy, spray him? My job is to protect the nurse. But I have a brand new CO. Is he going to help me? These inmates can kick my ass one on one. Even with cuffs on, most of these guys can and will hurt me. It is a comforting to know that you always have backup. I lose that comfort when it is just me and an OJT.

So, yesterday, I worked scared. I don't like working scared and I cannot show that fear, that would be suicide in this place.

I wish there was someone in charge with a real plan.


  1. All you gotta do is holler and I'll be there. Unless I'm stuck up in the bubble, anyway. Tonight I was scared for all of us. If there is someone with a master plan, they must really hate us down there.

  2. It has been eighteen days since you have written anything here. You better write more soon or you are going to get constipated!
