Thursday, November 17, 2011

Anger...Chapter 2

I know what a motherfucker is. A motherfucker is the guy you work for. The guy that is dumber than you but has all the money because his Daddy gave him everything. A motherfucker makes you do things you don't want to do. A motherfucking cocksucker is the guy that runs the store across the highway. He won't sell beer and cigarettes to a seven year old kid no matter how many notes his Dad writes. A motherfucking cocksucker trumps a motherfucker.

A motherfucker is a teacher who drags a boy with shitty corduroys down the hall to the principals office. She doesn't like being told she is a motherfucker. The principal doesn't like being told he is a motherfucking cocksucker while he is on the telephone trying to convince a mother to come and get her shitty son.

The stench of anger competes with shit to permeate the room. The anger fills me, makes me fat and happy like the tomcat on the back of the sofa. Not a couch, a sofa, because a couch is hard, abrupt, uncomfortable. Couch. A couch is where your sister is caught with her boyfriend and her panties around her knees. A dirty place.

Sofa. That soft cuddly place where Mom eats Almond Roca's, sips Pepsi and watches Days of Our Lives. A place where little boys get booboos kissed. But little boys must become BIG BOYS and go to school. BIG BOYS don't shit their pants and tell people they are motherfuckers and motherfucking cocksuckers. BIG BOYS MUST GROW THE FUCK UP, YOU'RE NOT A BABY ANYMORE WAIT UNTIL YOUR DAD HEARS ABOUT THIS.

Anger flops on the couch and swats the tomcat. The tomcat and the no longer a little boy scamper out the backdoor. Out with the dogs and cows and the horses. The tomcat sits on the porch rail and yawns as the big white dog happily follows the shitty little boy back to a world they both understand. Anger stays at the house.

The mare softly blows snot into my hair as her foal stalks the dog. Stiff legged the foal advances, quivering with anticipation. The dog eats a horse turd and pretends to ignore her. As the velvet muzzle touches the white tail, the dog whirls, barking happily and the foal races away, pursued by DON'T LET THAT GODDAMNED DOG CHASE THAT FILLY HOW MANY TIMES HAS YOUR DAD TOLD YOU YOU LITTLE SHIT. Anger slams the screendoor as it goes back to the daytime drama. Motherfucker. Motherfucking cocksucker.

1 comment:

  1. I could analyze the shit out of that, but I won't. Just let it out, man. I'll be here.

    (rolls his eyes at himself) analyze the shit out of that... oh, boy...
