Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lazy Bastards

Lazy bastards piss me off.

I don't mean the guy who lays around the house doing nothing, it is his house. He can be as lazy as he wants. No, the ones who piss me off are the ones who show up to work and then sit on their asses, knowing someone else will do the work that must be done.

Yeah, my job sucks, sometimes. Inmates whine and piss and moan, wanting this or wanting that. I can deal with that. I can deal with the captain calling asking why we are not chasing all the soap on a rope flying across the wings. I can even deal with the occasional utility officer who doesn't KNOW what needs to be done.

But, I can NOT deal with the lazy bastard who will sit in the office while 3 other officers are serving trays to four wings. I cannot deal with the asshole who sits in the office while those same three officers pull the trays from four wings. If you are going to sit in the office then at least sort the damned mail. Or maybe, finish the files on the 3 lockups we had during med-pass. Or staple up the property bags. Or check the 6 suicide cells.

Or better yet, get your feet off the fucking desk, and take your useless ass home.


  1. Oooh yeah. Light him up! Ummm... you aren't talking about me, are you?

  2. *L* Rev, you have to actually BE at work before you can take your useless butt home*L*

  3. Oooh. Harsh. I guess I deserved that one. I would rather be at work than what I have been doing, believe me. Hopefully this is my last hiatus for awhile. getting tired of not being able to do anything.
